Last week I began sharing our “Four Fascinating Facets to Find the Will of God”: Let’s review…
  1. Biblical Principles (Col. 3:16)
Here are 5 biblical barometers…
  1. God will not reveal the unknown will of God until you begin to do the known will of God.
       2. When you don’t know what to do…do what you know to do. Remember that preparation time is never wasted time!        3. God’s unknown will, will never contradict His known will. In other words, if you are single and desire to get married, it is clear that we are forbidden by Scripture to marry an unbeliever (see II Cor. 6:14-18).  Therefore God never leads you in a way that contradicts His Word.        4. God’s direction will never contradict His instruction. The Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth (see John 16:13).  The truth is a synonym for God’s Word (see John 17:17).  Therefore the Holy Spirit will always guide us into the Word, not away from the Word. This week we continue with…        5. Ask yourself, “Does God’s Word prohibit or permit what I’m about to do?” Don’t ask yourself “What’s wrong with that?”  This will always determine how LOW you can go.  Ask yourself, “What’s wise with that?”  That will determine how high you can reach! Remember our key verse for this series from Ephesians 5:15-17: “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.  Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” The word “walk.”  This is the Greek word “peripateo.”  It is a Greek compound word that comes from “peri” which means “around” (we get our English word periscope from it) and “pateo” which means “path.”  Put those words together and it means “to beat a path around” or to be preoccupied with something. The word “circumspectly” is the Greek word “akribos” which means “diligently, exactly or straight.”  The Greek word translated “fools” is “asophos” which means “one who has no wisdom.”  Paul, by the Holy Spirit, is referring to unbelievers without Christ. In verse 16, you find the word “redeeming” which is the Greek word “exagarazo” which means “to buy back, ransom or rescue from loss.” The Greek word translated “time” is “Kairos.”  There are two Greek words for time:  one is “chronos” where we get our English word “chronology” from.  This word describes normal time as we know it.  However the word “Kairos” is a divine opportunity orchestrated by God. The word translated “days” means “ages or time period” and is referring to the culture we now live in. If you will allow me a little liberty, these verses could be paraphrased to mean this: “See then that you are preoccupied with walking diligently in a straight line.  Not like unwise unbelievers that don’t know Jesus, but as wise (people who see life from God’s perspective).  Buying back all the Divine opportunities that you possibly can because this culture is evil.  Because of that, don’t be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is! Join us next month as we continue our series…