Over the last few months we began our teaching series with the following “Three Plan Principles”:

  1. Acknowledge that God has a plan for your life (Jer. 29:11).

        “Three Acknowledge Axioms”:

  1. God has a wonderful plan for your life…not a wonderful life for YOUR plan!
  2. Destiny is not to be decided.  Destiny is to be discovered.
  3. What you were created for is connected to who you were created by.


       2. Accept God’s plan for your life (Mark 8:35).

         “Eight Accept Axioms”:

  1. If we always do what we want to do, we may end up where we don’t want to be!
  2. If you get whatever you want now…you may not get what you really want later.
  3. Never trade in the ultimate for the immediate.
  4. Never trade in the valuable for the natural.  
  5. When you get older, you will want the respect of your adult children.
  6. Will your children choose to be with you when they don’t have to be with you?
  7. No thing or fling is worth losing everything!
  8. God only wants something from you because He wants something for you!

   3. Ascertain God’s plan for your life (Col. 4:17).

        “Four Fascinating Facets to Find the Will of God”:

         1.) Biblical Principles (Col. 3:16)

              5 biblical barometers:

  1. God will not reveal the unknown will of God until you begin to do the known will of God.
  2. When you don’t know what to do…do what you know to do.
  3. God’s unknown will, will never contradict His known will.
  4. God’s direction will never contradict His instruction. 
  5. Ask yourself, “Does God’s Word prohibit or permit what I’m about to do?”

This week let’s continue….

         2.) Wise People

Now please allow me to share with you “Six Counsel Concepts”:

              1. – When we are messing up, we tend to run to permission instead of correction (John 3:19-21).  Here the Bible tells us, “And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.  For every one that doeth evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.”  

In 36 years of ministry I have seen this over and over again.  When people are doing the wrong thing, they look for someone to support their lunacy!

              2. – You can always get the counsel you desire by who you run to for counsel.

This is what the culture calls “confirmation bias.”  Remember this:  There will always be people on life’s morality ladder.  They will be waiting on the lower rung for you to join.  Misery loves company!

Join us next week as we continue our series…