Vaccine – Reaching “Heard” Immunity-Part 2

Can I give you the latest CDC statistic? 

100% of people that don’t know Jesus are infected with sin! 

You and I have the antidote and its efficacy is also 100%!

How can we accomplish this goal? 

Please allow me to give you “Four Vaccine Verifications”:

Let’s review…

  1. We must reach “heard” immunity (Rom. 10:13-15)

Here the Bible tells us, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how shall they preach except they be sent?  As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

Now I must say, for God to call my feet beautiful is a major statement of faith.  If you could see my feet you might just believe in evolution!

Seriously, please allow me to give you the “gos-pill” progression from these verses:


In other words, if we are not sent, we cannot preach.  If we don’t preach, they won’t hear.  If they don’t hear, they won’t believe.  If they don’t believe, they will never call on Him!

This week we continue with…

  1. No more lockdowns (Mark 16:15)

Here the Scripture tells us, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Now right away this very well-known verse causes a few mental hurdles we must jump over in order for us to fulfill it. 

Let’s break down these hurdles. 

Please allow me to share with you “Five Barriers to Bringing the ‘Gos-pill’”:

  1. Go

Jesus’ last words were not stay but go.  Unfortunately, we have turned church into country club Christianity where we simply have a holy huddle.  There is a difference between the church and the church service.  The purpose of the church service is found in Ephesians 4:11-12.  As a pastor it is my function to feed you the Word of God so you can be mature enough to do the work of the ministry.  

When the church service is done, that’s when you…the Church…begin!  You see, the Church is not a building, the church is YOU!  Therefore my job is to fill your tank with the Word of God and then it’s your job to GO (see Luke 14:23)!

  1. Ye

People think “ye” is the person sitting next to them.  Please know however…ye means me!  I must take this great commission personally.  If no one else goes, I certainly will!  Ye means me!

  1. World

Right now the country is going through a pandemic (I do believe we will eventually walk through this storm to the other side).  However, you and I are strangers or parepidemas.  A pandemic is everywhere, an epidemic is local!  If I look at the entire world and then look at little ‘ol me, the word “world” can be pretty intimidating.  

However, the word “world” is the Greek word “kosmos” and it is not talking about the whole world, it is talking about YOUR WORLD.  Your job, your gym, your neighborhood, your school!  Be “infectious” right where you are (see Acts 1:8)!

  1. Preach

You might look at this word and think, “I’m not a preacher and I can’t preach.”  The Greek word here is “keruxon” and it literally means “a proclaimer.”  Everyone can proclaim the good news of the “gos-pill.”

  1. Gospel

How can you proclaim something if you don’t know what it is?  The word “gospel” is the Greek word “evangelidzo” and it means “bearer of good news, victory or joy.”  The history of this Greek word is powerful.  When a country was at war, the people would be told to go to a particular open square in the market place.  As the war began to come to an end, they would wait patiently on a daily basis.  Finally, an “evangelist” would arrive and declare “the war is over” and there would be great celebration among the people.

This in essence is the Gospel…sin separated God and man.  Jesus came and took our sin on the cross.  The war is over and if we accept what Jesus did, we can be reconciled to God (see II Cor. 5:17-21)!

Many years ago long after World War II was over, Americans sent an envoy of scientists and soldiers to a small tropical island.  There they were going to do some bomb testing.  When they arrived on what was supposed to be a deserted island, gun shots rang out and bullets began to fly all around them.  Little did they know there were two Japanese soldiers who had been stranded on the island during World War II.  They had no idea the war had been over for many years.  Our soldiers had to surround them and convince them the war was truly over!

That’s our job…to go into our world and proclaim the cure of the Gospel and tell them the war is over!  Come on Church!  We have the cure…His name is Jesus!!  

I have discovered people need help and answers like never before!  I am not near as concerned about the darkness, as I am about the absence of light!  Let’s tell as many of those infected with sin as we can…until we reach ‘heard’ immunity!

Next month we’ll continue our series!