Shut the Front Door! (Learning to shut the door to the enemy in your life) PART 8

Over the past few weeks we have been sharing with you some entry points the devil endeavors to use as cracks in the doors of our life.  If we can identify these, we can shut these doors tightly and thereby cut off his access points to us.  

 “Six Entry Exhibits”:

  1. Worry (I Pet 5:5-8)

Worry is simply pulling tomorrow’s clouds over today’s sunshine!  Y

     2. Internalized anger (Eph. 4:26-27)

  • Anger that is internalized eventually becomes wrath that is verbalized!  
  • Communication disarms the devil.  The devil has a hard time hiding in a place called communication!  Shut the front door!
  1.   Strife (James 3:14-16)
  • Strife opens up the door to confusion and every evil work!  Strife literally opens the door to the devil in our lives!
  • There is a big difference between disagreement and strife.  The first is part of maturity, the latter opens the door to the enemy!

We then shared  “Two Strife Standards”:

      1.) The more mature you become it does not mean you will never sin…but it does mean you will fix it quicker!

      2.) Strife in your life lets the devil in your door!

Over the years we have had very little staff turnover.  We have had to fire only one individual over a period of decades.  That is a wonderful track record for a very large ministry!  Part of the reason is we put such an emphasis on seeking and pursuing peace!  We work hard at conflict resolution and problem solving.  We have a lot of “carefrontation” and not just confrontation.  We have learned how to disagree agreeably.  Resolution is the solution!  It’s not about being right, it’s about making it right!

We decided a long time ago, at World Changers Bible Institute and Joy Church, that we were not going to allow strife in our life, and we were going to shut the door to the devil!

Next month we will continue our series!