Shut the Front Door! (Learning to shut the door to the enemy in your life) PART 9

Over a decade ago we had a wonderful young man at Joy Church.  He played the keyboard and was incredibly talented.  He was also extremely intelligent.  Because of his very high level of intelligence he had many questions about the Bible.  He would listen to arguments that intellectual atheists would make against the Bible, and it began to slowly erode his confidence in God’s Word.  Finally he set up an appointment with me with all of his questions in tow.  

I think I spent over two hours with him answering all of his questions.  He told me that the answers I gave him were the best he had ever heard and it totally satisfied his curiosity.  However, after getting all his questions answered to his satisfaction, he delved back into intellectualism and moved from having questions to being ‘questioning’.  

The Bible tells us in James 1:8, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”  The word “double minded” in the Greek language is “dipsuechos.”  This literally means two-souled.  The Greek word translated “unstable” literally means “no standard of standing.”  It denotes a person standing on uneven ground and therefore is off balance.  

A “double minded” man is really describing someone who looks at the answer, then looks at the problem, and then looks at the answer, and again at the problem…and repeats this over and over and over again.  Eventually it brings confusion and instability to this person.

Have you ever been driving on a back road in the country and all of a sudden a squirrel darts out in front of your car?  It seems to panic as he runs back and forth only to be run over by your back tire!  This describes quite well a double minded man.  That is exactly what happened to this brilliant, talented young man.  He never shut the door to the enemy in his life and eventually turned from Christianity and to this day has walked away from God.  

What gets your attention…gets you! 

What you continually mind, you will eventually find

It’s time we shut the front door to the enemy!

Join us next week as we continue our series…