“Leaving Country Club Christianity” (Learning to do anything to reach the lost…except compromise) PART 10


Here at Joy Church and World Changers Bible Institute we take regular international mission trips.  This is one of my favorite things to do.  Even though I have gone on 30-35 mission trips, I still love participating because I get to see missions fresh and anew through the eyes of people who have never been on a mission trip!

Over the last two years Covid has hampered our ability to go overseas on a mission trip.  So this year we looked for a “creative alternative” and decided to do “domestic” missions.  When our missions team first heard about it, a few were disappointed until they actually got involved in sharing the gospel here locally.  They led 101 people to Jesus!!

Now I hope you will allow me a little transparency here.  I love missions!  I love leading people to Jesus!  I love seeing Joy Church people leading others to Jesus!  However, if I can be candid as a pastor, I love what missions does in the hearts of believers just as much!  When you teach someone how to lead another person to Jesus and then give them the opportunity to do so…it radically changes their lives!  Once you win your first person to Christ…it gets embedded in your heart and you can’t wait to do it again and again!  It becomes addictive (see Prov. 11:30)!

For example, one of our missions participants has lots of family in the Philippines and since leading people to Jesus on our domestic missions trip, he led 12 family members from the Philippines to Christ…over the phone!!  

You see, he has left what we are calling “Country Club Christianity”…when we just stay among people who we are like and that like us, instead of going out into the community and connecting with people who are unlike us and don’t like us!

Join us this month as we continue this series…