20 Dec Keep the Change (Learning to change before you have to) Part 5
Over the last few weeks we began this new series and Through this teaching session, my goal is to teach all of us to change proactively instead of reactively! The Bible tells us in Psalm 55:19, “Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.” Now please don’t be taken aback by the word “fear.” In the Hebrew language it’s not talking about “fright” but reverence or respect for God. In other words, the reason we don’t change is we don’t truly respect God enough.
Let’s start by reviewing our “10 Channels of Change”:
1. Most people change just enough to get away from their problems…not enough to solve them.
2. Most people want to change their circumstances to improve their lives, instead of changing themselves to improve their circumstances.
3. Most people do the same thing the same way and expect different results. When you want something you have never had, you have to do something you’ve never done!
4. Most people are willing to change not because they see the light, but because they feel the heat.
This week we continue with…
5. Most people are unwilling to pay the immediate price of change. Therefore they do not change and pay the ultimate price.
There are two kinds of pain in life: the pain associated with discipline and the pain associated with regret. The cost of regret is always higher. In the kingdom of God the Bible speaks of narrow places (see Matt. 7:14) and large places (Ps. 18:19). Initially narrow places lead to large places. Conversely, large places lead to narrow places.
Let me illustrate. If you intentionally budget your finances and live a life of financial discipline, initially you restrict your options and you are a good steward of your money. Eventually you will live in a large financial place with fewer constrictions and more options!
Remember this: Discipline is simply deciding what you want now, versus what you want more. You may want that $200 pair of jeans now, but you want to retire financially free…more! Discipline is simply doing what you don’t like, so you can have what you do like! Discipline is doing what’s right before you do what’s fun!
6. Most people see change as a hurtful thing that must be done, instead of a helpful thing that should be done.
In the kingdom of God you must give up before you go up. The “give up” is up front, the “go up” is out back (see Mark 10:28-30). Everyone wants the “go up” but do not want the “give up.” Remember, God is not a taker when He requires change. God is not trying to take something from you, but get something TO you.
Next week we continue our series…