Keep the Change (Learning to change before you have to) Part 6


A much higher level of Christianity is when we respond not out of consequence or necessity, but out of a loving committed relationship.  In other words, I change because I “get to” not because I “have to.”

Over the last few weeks we began this new series and Through this teaching session, my goal is to teach all of us to change proactively instead of reactively!  The Bible tells us in Psalm 55:19, “Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.”  Now please don’t be taken aback by the word “fear.”   In the Hebrew language it’s not talking about “fright” but reverence or respect for God.  In other words, the reason we don’t change is we don’t truly respect God enough.  

We began sharing “10 Channels of Change”:

 1. Most people change just enough to get away from their problems…not enough to solve them.

 2. Most people want to change their circumstances to improve their lives, instead of changing themselves to improve their circumstances.

3. Most people do the same thing the same way and expect different results.  When you want something you have never had, you have to do something you’ve never done!

4. Most people are willing to change not because they see the light, but because they feel the heat.

5. Most people are unwilling to pay the immediate price of change.  Therefore they do not change and pay the ultimate price.

6. Most people see change as a hurtful thing that must be done, instead of a helpful thing that should be done.

This week we continue with…

7. Change isn’t change…until you change!

You have to make the decision to change.  Then expect His provision to change (see Prov. 21:31)!

8. Thinking about change is not change.  

We tend to swallow a spiritual placebo when we just think about change…as if thinking about change were the same thing as change!  Life has never been about intentions.  You and I will never be judged on our intentions.  You and I will always be judged on our actions and productions!  In life we must move from intentions to being intentional!  Thinking about change is not change!  Wishing things would change is not change!  Hoping things will change is not change!  Remember this:  You can’t have uphill hopes and downhill habits!

9. The road to growth always travels through the city of change.

There are no shortcuts but when you arrive, I promise you will love the destination!

10. Learn to change before you have to!

May I encourage you dear partners, learn to change proactively not reactively!

What a great way to begin a New Year!