Well or Well Done (Because people vastly underestimate what God can do through a lifetime of faithfulness) PART 2


It should be the heart cry of every believer
to hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”…not just, “Well?”
Now it is my desire in this series to truly cause a paradigm shift in your thinking! Let me
illustrate. Did you hear about the recent story where a man who worked for the bus company
was fired simply because he gave up his seat on the bus to a blind man? He was the bus driver!
Now do you see what a paradigm shift is in your thinking? Until that very last sentence, you
were thinking one way and immediately you shifted your thinking entirely. That is my desire in
this teaching…to dramatically shift your thinking so you can eventually hear those beautiful
words, “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”

Let’s jump into it!

Please allow me to share “Four Facets of Faithfulness”:
1. Every sinner is an opportunity for salvation (Luke 19:10)
The Scripture tells us, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was
lost.” If that was Jesus’ mission it should be ours too (see Matt. 4:19).

Please allow me
to give you three thoughts to motivate you!

Three Salvation Standards:
1) Never turn your ministry into your enemy.
With the huge emphasis on social media, we have done just that! Rather than
actually connecting with people, it has simply become easier to vilify people we
disagree with behind the false bravado of “computer courage.” They meet our
political candidates before they meet our Christ. We have been more concerned
with winning an election instead of winning the lost. Please don’t mistake me, it is
important to be politically engaged (see Prov. 29:2) but not to the point where we
are so focused on the issue we completely forget the individual…who desperately
needs our Lord!

Next week I will continue in this series…