Well or Well Done (Because people vastly underestimate what God can do through a lifetime of faithfulness) PART 9


Let’s take a look at our key scripture one more time from Matthew 25:21: “His lord said unto
him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou has been faithful over a few things. I will
make thee ruler over many things: enter thou in the joy of the Lord.”
This wonderful scripture is in Jesus’ parable of being faithful with our God given gifts. It should
be the heart cry of every believer to hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” not
Over the last number of months we have discussed just how to practically do this. Let’s review
the “Four Facets of Faithfulness:”
1. Every sinner is an opportunity for salvation (Luke 19:10)
“Three Salvation Standards”:
1) Never turn your ministry into your enemy.
2) Resist the system with courage. Reach the souls with compassion.
3) People are not annoyances or distractions, but moments and opportunities.

2. Every saint is an opportunity for exhortation (Heb. 3:13)
“Four Encouragement Entries”:

1) Encouragement is oxygen to the soul.
2) Give everyone you meet the “Triple A” service…affirmation, appreciation and
3) Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word (Prov. 25:21).
4) People work before paper work.

3. Every seed is an opportunity for multiplication (Prov. 22:9)
Here the scripture tells us, “He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he gives of
his bread to the poor” (Prov. 22:9). The Bible also tells us, “There is that scatters, and
yet increases; and there is that withholds more than is meet, but it tends to poverty. The
liberal soul shall be made fat; and he that waters shall be watered also himself” (Prov.
With these two scriptures in mind, I began share with you “Five Multiplication
1) We tend to be ridiculously self-centered.
You don’t believe me? When was the last time you looked at a group picture with
you in it? What was the first thing you looked for? If you are like me, the first thing
you look for…is you. If you look good in the picture, what do you say about that
picture? You automatically say that is a great picture! If the rest of the 30 people in
the photo all have their eyes closed but you look good…well obviously that is a good
Remember this: With one small exception, the entire world consists of someone
other than you!

This week we continue with…

2) We must learn to have a “generous eye.”
In other words, according to Proverbs 22:9, we must look for ways to bless others.
Here at Joy Church we have thousands of people who watch online. A few months
ago we had a regular viewer from Florida tell me how much he liked the shirt I was
wearing. Well I really liked this particular shirt and it was a gift from a doctor and his
wife who attend Joy Church. However, I wanted to have a generous eye and I
sensed the nudge of the Holy Spirit to send this shirt to him (freshly washed of
At first I hesitated but then I kept thinking about the love and joy it would bring this
man to surprise him with my shirt. Finally the thought of his face lighting up upon
receiving this gift far outweighed the affinity I had for this shirt. We wrapped up the
shirt and sent it to this viewer and I got a text back from him. In it he had freeze-
framed me wearing this shirt on his big screen TV. He then put on the shirt and

struck the exact same pose I was in on the TV! He let me know that the love from
God he experienced that day was at a very pivotal point in his life and blessed him
beyond measure! This brought more joy to my life than my shirt ever could!
Remember this: Life is not about what we accumulate…life is about what we give
3) Learn to have a “generous soul.” (Prov. 11:24-25)
Not only should we look for ways to bless people but we should think about ways to
be generous. To have a generous eye is to look for ways to bless others. To have a
generous soul is to think about ways to bless others.
I have found in order to intentionally think about ways to bless others we must slow
down. I can’t be constantly on my phone and think about ways to bless others. I
can’t be constantly engulfed in social media and think about ways to bless others!
I am constantly thinking about ways to bless others. Not too long ago we surprised
every pastor in this city and many in the surrounding city with a $100 gift card…just
to bless them for their hard work and dedication! Just last June I was speaking at a
pastor’s conference in Texas and we decided to give two of our books away to every
participant who wanted them. We also brought six checks to surprise certain
pastors that God put on our hearts! You should have seen their faces as they saw
the generous checks made out to them! It made my entire conference!
4) If you want to be generous when you have more…be generous when you have
5) More money doesn’t make you more generous…it just makes you more of who
you already are!

In 2023 let’s make:
1) Every sinner an opportunity for salvation.
2) Every saint an opportunity for exhortation.
3) Every seed an opportunity for multiplication!

Next month we will continue our series!