11 Apr Well or Well Done (Because people vastly underestimate what God can do through a lifetime of faithfulness) PART 10
When I think of faithfulness I think of my Executive Pastor and his wife…Pastor Dave and
Paula Goldner! They have been with me for almost 33 years! I have watched them faithfully
serve our Lord and His church for decades.
About 30 years ago when I could barely walk and barely talk, and I was walking through very
severe cardiovascular challenges…Dave quit his secular job and came to work full time at World
Changers Bible Institute. His job was a very good paying job and at the time, WCBI could not
afford to pay him anything. Dave worked full time for months on a volunteer basis before the
ministry could pay him anything! Thank God today Dave is very well compensated, but Dave
and Paula have been so faithful, loyal, refreshing and fruitful for decades. They have had a
lifetime of faithfulness and I truly believe when they get to Heaven they will hear, “Well done
thou good and faithful servant!”
Let’s take a look at our key scripture one more time from Matt. 25:21: “His lord said unto him,
Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will
make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
This wonderful Scripture is in Jesus’ parable of being faithful with our God given gifts. It should
be the heart cry of every believer to hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” not
Over the last number of months we have discussed just how to practically do this. Let’s review
the “Four Facets of Faithfulness:”
1. Every sinner is an opportunity for salvation (Luke 19:10)
“Three Salvation Standards”:
1) Never turn your ministry into your enemy.
2) Resist the system with courage. Reach the souls with compassion.
3) People are not annoyances or distractions, but moments and opportunities.
2. Every saint is an opportunity for exhortation (Heb. 3:13)
“4 Encouragement Entries”:
1) Encouragement is oxygen to the soul.
2) Give everyone you meet the “Triple A” service…affirmation, appreciation and
3) Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word. (Prov. 25:21)
4) People work before paperwork.
3. Every seed is an opportunity for multiplication (Prov. 22:9)
With these two scriptures in mind, please allow me to give you “5 Multiplication
1) We tend to be ridiculously self-centered.
2) We must learn to have a “generous eye.”
3) Learn to have a “generous soul.” (Prov. 11:24-25)
4) If you want to be generous when you have more…be generous when you have
5) More money doesn’t make you more generous…it just makes you more of who
you already are!
Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” should be the heart cry of every believer.
Next week we will continue our series!