18 Apr Well or Well Done (Because people vastly underestimate what God can do through a lifetime of faithfulness) PART 11
Let’s take a look at our key scripture from the series that we have been covering over the past few months from Matt. 25:21: “His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”
This wonderful Scripture is in Jesus’ parable of being faithful with our God given gifts. It should be the heart cry of every believer to hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” not “Well?”
Over the last number of months we have discussed just how to practically do this.
Let’s review the “Four Facets of Faithfulness:”
- Every sinner is an opportunity for salvation (Luke 19:10)
We shared “Three Salvation Standards”:
- Never turn your ministry into your enemy.
- Resist the system with courage. Reach the souls with compassion.
- People are not annoyances or distractions, but moments and opportunities.
- Every saint is an opportunity for exhortation (Heb. 3:13)
Then we shared “4 Encouragement Entries”:
- Encouragement is oxygen to the soul.
- Give everyone you meet the “Triple A” service…affirmation, appreciation and attention.
- Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word. (Prov. 25:21)
- People work before paperwork.
We continued with…
- Every seed is an opportunity for multiplication (Prov. 22:9)
With these two scriptures in mind, we gave you “5 Multiplication Mandates”:
- We tend to be ridiculously self-centered.
- We must learn to have a “generous eye.”
- Learn to have a “generous soul.” (Prov. 11:24-25)
- If you want to be generous when you have more…be generous when you have less.
- More money doesn’t make you more generous…it just makes you more of who you already are!
This week let’s continue our series….
- Every supernatural gift is an opportunity for glorification
In the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25:14-30, you find three different individuals:
- The one-talent man which equated to about 16 years’ worth of salary
- The two-talent man which equated to about 33 years’ worth of salary
- The five-talent man which equated to about 82 years’ worth of salary
As you can plainly see, Jesus has invested some very valuable gifts inside all of us. Let’s explore them together as I share with you principles from Matt. 25:14-30 and give you “Eight Gift Guarantees”:
1.) Your talent is given by God.
We are simply stewards with what God has entrusted to us. Therefore we have no right to simply do whatever we want to with our God-given gifts. Over the years I have had many people come up to me after I minister and say something like, “Pastor you are so funny…you could be a stand-up comedian!” However, I have no right to use my God-given talent for self-gratification. I am honored to use it for God’s glorification!
2.) Everyone receives something.
At times we relegate divine gifts to only those who can preach or sing, or play the keyboards. While all of those are God-given gifts there are so many more! For example, we have a wonderful woman in our church named Sherry. Sherry is one of the best bakers on the planet! Every Wednesday she bakes healthy blueberry bars for her favorite pastor (me!). Every Wednesday I look forward to Sherry’s heavenly blueberry bars! It makes my day! Sherry also bakes for our Kairos Coffee House where all our college and career adults connect. I’ve seen Sherry with tears coming down her eyes as she speaks of the “privilege” it is to bake for the young adults…some of whom have given their lives to Jesus Christ! Sherry is using her God-given gift to bake for the glory of God!
Next week we will continue our series!