7UP! (Seven statements that Jesus made on the cross and how it affects us today) PART: 2


Last words are important!  Jesus actually made seven different statements as He hung on the cross and prepared to see His Father once again.  Those seven powerful statements all have principled meaning to us today.  Let’s look at them together!

Last week we began with…

  1. “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they do” (Luke 23:24).  We will refer to this as Pardon.

What can we learn from this today?  How you respond when people treat you unfairly determines who gets control of your life!  

I learned a long time ago that forgiveness makes you feel vulnerable but actually makes you more powerful.  When you forgive, you take your power back!  It transfers from your offender back to you.

Remember this:  Your forgiveness does not depend on another man’s apology.  Learn to forgive freely, fully, finally, and by faith…not by feelings!

This week we continue with…

    2. “Today you will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43).  We will refer to this as People.

Here Jesus is in the midst of utter and total agony.  His beard was plucked out (see Isaiah 50:6).  His form marred more than any other man (see Isaiah 52:14).  He was so brutally beaten His ribs were showing (see Psalm 22:17).  Yet in the midst of all of this, Jesus stops and acknowledges a lowly thief who had previously been mocking Him and makes this powerful statement.  

From this statement we must learn to be where we are….as God hides His best gifts in moments!

Remember…every sinner is an opportunity for salvation!

Every saint is an opportunity for exhortation!

Every seed is an opportunity for multiplication!

Every supernatural gift is an opportunity for glorification!

    3. “Woman, behold your son.  Son, behold your mother” (John 19:26-27).  Let’s call this Parents.

Jesus is my hero!  Once again in the midst of His personal agony He is thinking of others!  Jesus was 33 when He was crucified.  It is quite possible that Mary was 17 when Jesus was born, so that would put Mary at the relatively young age of 50.  Joseph her husband certainly seemed removed from the picture, so Jesus picked the youngest of all of His disciples, John, to care for her.

How does this apply to us today?  When you were a child you honored your parents by doing what they told you to do.  When you are an adult, you honor your parents by doing what they NEED you to do.  Honor never goes out of style!

Join us next week as we continue in our series…