7UP! (Seven statements that Jesus made on the cross and how it affects us today) PART: 4


When someone is about to go to Heaven…what they say at the very end of their life should be carefully listened to, valued and carried out! Last words are important!  Over the last few weeks we have been sharing  that Jesus actually made seven different statements as He hung on the cross and prepared to see His Father once again.  Those seven powerful statements all have principled meaning to us today.

Let’s review what we have already shared.

  1. “Father forgive them, for they don’t know what they do” (Luke 23:24).  We will refer to this as Pardon.

How you respond when people treat you unfairly determines who gets control of your life!  

Remember this:  Your forgiveness does not depend on another man’s apology.

Learn to forgive freely, fully, finally, and by faith…not by feelings!

      2. “Today you will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43).  We will refer to this as People.

From this statement we must learn to be where we are….as God hides His best gifts in moments!

Remember…every sinner is an opportunity for salvation!

Every saint is an opportunity for exhortation!

Every seed is an opportunity for multiplication!

Every supernatural gift is an opportunity for glorification!

      3. “Woman, behold your son.  Son, behold your mother” (John 19:26-27).  Let’s call this Parents.

When you were a child you honored your parents by doing what they told you to do.  When you are an adult, you honor your parents by doing what they NEED you to do.  Honor never goes out of style!

       4. “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46).  Let’s call this Perspective.

This is a fulfillment of Psalm 22:2 and up until that moment, Jesus had never called His Father “God.”  He always referred to Him as “Father.”  However, Jesus was on the cross not with His sin, but ours (see Isaiah 53:6, I Peter 2:24).  

Please get the right perspective!  His rejection of Jesus meant the acceptance of us!  Now we are accepted by the Best…who cares about the rest!

        5. “I thirst” (John 19:28).  Let’s call this Parched.

This is a fulfillment of Psalm 69:11.  How can Jesus, who is clearly the second part of the Triune Godhead thirst?  Jesus also was hungry and slept (see Matt. 4 and Mark 4).  Yet He was God (see John 8:58, 10:30)!  Isaiah 9:6 answers these for us when he prophesied, “Unto us a child was born.  Unto us a Son is given…”  The child born was His humanity.  The Son given was His Deity.  Jesus was fully God and fully man (see I Timothy 2:5).  In His humanity He was thirsty.

What can we learn from this today?  Jesus could’ve just shouted His love from Heaven but instead He showed His love from earth!  

Remember this:  Jesus came to where you are, so you could eventually be where He is!

This week we continue with…

       6. “It is finished” (John 19:30).  Let’s call this Paid.

The Greek word here is one word “teleo” which means “it is accomplished” or “the debt has been paid.”  What can we learn from this today?  He paid a debt He did not owe.

Remember this:  There are only two ways to die:

  1. Die in debt
  2. Die paid in full

Please pick the latter!

        7. “Into your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46).  Let’s call this Personal.

So many atheists look at the brutal crucifixion of Jesus and muse, “How could God murder His Son?”  However, this was anything but a murder as the Bible tells us, “No man can take my life but I lay it down” (see John 10:17).  

What can we learn today?  This is not God taking the life of His Son.  This is His Son giving His life for you!

Remember this:  He died for you because He did not want to spend eternity without you!

In Summary:

  1. Pardon…forgive freely, fully, and finally
  2. People…the only thing you can take to Heaven with you is people
  3. Parents…honor never goes out of style
  4. Perspective…you are accepted by the Best who cares about the rest!
  5. Parched…Jesus came to where you are so you could be where He is
  6. Paid…your sin debt has been paid in full
  7. Personal…God loves you as if you were the only person in the world to love!