First Things First (Worship is not just the song that I sing, but the life that I live) Part 7


Last month I asked a very urgent question of you. This month as I open our teaching I see it as
fitting to pose that question again: Your life revolves around ________ ?
Two months ago, we began to share with you “10 First Fixes.” Just for a few moments, would
you be so kind as to honestly reflect on this question? So many times what we think our life
revolves around and what our life actually revolves around are two entirely different things.

Our life actually revolves around our:
1. Time
2. Talent
3. Treasure
4. Thoughts
5. Talk

In other words, our lives actually revolve around what we spend most of our time, talent,
treasure, thoughts and talk on. Notice what Paul said by the Holy Spirit, “When Christ, who is
our life, shall appear, then shall you also appear with him in glory.” Notice this phrase “Christ,
who is my life.” Not Christ who is part of my life…but Christ Who IS my life! Paul’s life revolved
around Christ and His kingdom.

In this question I asked earlier, there are so many things our life could revolve around:
1. Money 6. Social media
2. Career 7. Your spouse
3. Sports 8. Your children
4. Power 9. Your phone
5. Sex 10. Acceptance

On and on our list could go. If your time, talent, treasure, thought and talk revolve around any
of these things, you will never experience the peace, joy, purpose and fulfillment, destiny and
satisfaction God wants you to enjoy. So let’s see if we can’t fix some of our priorities. Let’s put
first things first!

Please allow me to share with you “10 First Fixes”:
1. Worship is not just the song that you sing, but the life that you live.

2. When you come to church on Sunday…don’t come to worship, bring your worship
with you. Then take it home on Monday!

3. Quit treating God like a spare tire…you only pull Him out in emergencies.

4. Once you pull God out…keep Him out!

5. You will always become like what you worship.

6. The man molds the idol…then the idol molds the man.

7. “I’ll do anything you want God”…until He asks you!

This month let’s continue our series….
8. If your God never tells you “no”…then you made that God up in your own mind.
Now please allow me to back up a bit and provide a bit of Biblical balance for that
statement. The Bible tells us in II Corinthians 1:20, “All the promises of God in Him are
yes and amen.” Therefore, if God has promised something in His Word…that is His
“yes” and you don’t ever have to even wonder about it!

However, there are times when we go to God about various things that aren’t in the
Bible. Should you take that job? Should you date that person? In those gray areas, we
must seek the wisdom and counsel of God (see Matthew 7:7-9, Prov. 3:5-6)

When my son was growing up, I would always try to help him develop his own
relationship with God. I did not want him to live vicariously through his father’s
relationship with God. At times he would come to me and want something, and I would
encourage him to go and talk to God about it. My goal was to help John come to Biblical
conclusions all by himself.

However it was amazing…the more he wanted something, he never came out from his
room and said, “Dad I don’t believe God wants me to have that!” I would always tell
John, “If your God never tells you ‘no’ then you made that God up in your mind!” From
time to time God will tell us, “Don’t marry that person.” “Don’t take that job!” “Don’t
buy that house.” “Don’t make that move.

When God tells us “no” it’s never because He is the cosmic killjoy in the sky. It’s
always because He loves us and wants the best for us! He is not a taker! He is a

Over the years I have learned to trust God as He is Omniscient! In other words, He is all
knowing and knows the end from the beginning (see Isaiah 46:10). Also, I have learned
to trust His love and purpose for my life as it is always better than anything I could ever
plan for myself!

Next week we will continue our series…