19 Dec Book it! (Because a Bible that is falling apart indicates a life that isn’t!) Part 16
To truly love, learn and live the Word of God…you must trust the Word of God!
Over the past few weeks we have been sharing…
7 Truths to Trust the Word of God:
- The Bible is historically accurate (Ps. 33:4).
Three Tests of Historical Accuracy:
1) Eyewitness accounts (I cor. 15:6)
2) The Bible was recorded and copied with extra care.
3) Archaeological confirmation
2. The Bible is scientifically accurate (I Tim. 6:20)
Remember from last week we asked: Have you noticed that science is continually evolving?
It’s amazing that even though science has progressed at such a rapid rate, the more it progresses the more it proves the Bible right! The Bible has contradicted the science of the day for thousands of years, yet the more that science advances…the more it proves the Bible’s accuracy!
In 1861, the French Academy of Science published “51 Incontrovertible Science Facts that the Bible is Wrong”. All 51 of those incontrovertible facts have since been proven wrong! You see, it’s not just what it says that makes it so accurate, but it’s also what the Bible doesn’t say that makes it so accurate!
Let’s continue with this thought: If the Bible was written by man it would have been flooded with the accepted science of the day.
Please allow me to explain and share with you:
5 Scientific Stupidities of 7 Truths to Trust the Word of God from our series Book it!
1. The earth was flat
In the time period in which the Bible was written, there was of course, the accepted science of the day. Not until 1492 did we begin to think of the earth as a sphere, yet the Bible told us in Isaiah 40:22, “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.”
The word “circle” in the Hebrew means sphere or globe! Isaiah prophesied this 2,600 years before science caught up with this knowledge. Is it possible the Bible was written by man, but inspired by God?! (see II Timothy 3:16) I truly do believe so!
2. The earth was held up by something
This was the accepted science of the day. The Greeks thought the earth was held up by Atlas. The Hindus thought it sat on top of an elephant, which was on top of a sea turtle, which was on top of a sea serpent. The Egyptians thought the earth was held up by five pillars. The Egyptians were a brilliant people. They of course constructed the pyramids and even Moses was educated by the Egyptians (see Acts 7). If the Bible was solely written by man, surely some Egyptian science would have forged its way into at least five books of the Bible written by Moses. Yet the Bible tells us, “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7).
Here the Word of God tells us thousands of years before what we now scientifically know…that the earth is held up by nothing. Is it possible that while the Bible was certainly written by men…it was inspired by God?!
Join us next time as we continue to share 5 Scientific Stupidities of 7 Truths to Trust the Word of God from our series Book it!