Hopes & Habits (Because you can’t have uphill hopes and downhill habits) Part 17

Over the last few weeks we have been sharing:  “Four Biblical Habits” that will radically change your life:

1.) Focus on firsts (Matt. 6:33).

2.) Foster new thoughts (Rom. 12:2).

“Two Change Challenges”:

  1. God-given change is both possible and profitable.
  2. God-given change creates better “normals”.

Then we began sharing “Seven Channels of Change”:

1.] Change your “saying” (James 3:3-4).

2.] Change your “thinking”

3.] Changing your thinking changes your expecting (Ps. 62:5)

This week we continue with…

4.] Changing your expecting changes your attitude (Eph. 4:23)

Please allow me to share some thoughts with you about the vital important of your attitude!  

4 Attitude Aspects:

    1. Attitude is more important than IQ.  Now if you are like me, not always the sharpest knife in the drawer…this should give you hope!  “I can” is always more important than IQ!
    2. People meet your attitude before they meet you.
    3. The attitude you presently have is the one you’ve presently chosen.
    4. You can’t always choose the people or things that come into your life, but you can always choose your attitude towards them.

Join us next week as we continue in our series…