I Recognize You! (Learning to recognize people, places and points that are pivotal in your life): PART 11

Over the last couple of months we have been sharing with you how important it is to recognize people, places and points that are pivotal in our lives. 

The Bible tells us, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:16).  Notice the word “time”.  This is the Greek word “Kairos” which means a “divine moment”.  Normally the Greek word for time is “chronos” which simply denotes general every day time.  However “Kairos” is a moment in time orchestrated by God that we must learn to recognize and take advantage of.

About a year ago I was out on a pier overlooking the ocean in South Carolina.  Out on the pier was a little Asian woman doing yoga stretches. She was a little out of place and I noticed two teenagers making fun of her.  Approximately half an hour later Anne and I were walking together and she was walking right towards us. I sensed a ‘kairos’ moment coming on!

I connected with this sweet little woman by bringing up her yoga and talking with her about this.  We talked for a little while and sensed she was going through a difficult time in her life. I asked her if there was something we could pray with her about.  She opened up and expressed her point of pain. I had discovered the place in her life where she needed the healing touch of Jesus. Right there in the middle of this obscure path she prayed to receive Jesus into her life!

This was a pivotal point in both her life and mine…but I had to recognize the “Kairos” moment and “redeem the time”!  Remember this: When you recognize the power of “now” in your life, it is the beginning of miracles in your life!

Please let me conclude with Three “Now” Power Points:

  1. The devil wants to keep you in the fear of the future or the guilt of the past.  You keep him in the “now” of faith.
  2. There is never a perfect time to do anything…but there is always a time to start!
  3. A journey of a thousand miles always begins with the first step.

Remember there are people, places and points that are pivotal in your life.  Like blind Bartimaeus, isn’t it time you recognized them?!