Badge (discovering that authority is the channel through which God’s power flows): Part 11

For the several weeks we have been sharing “Six Submit Standards”, before we jump in let’s reveiw…

  1. There is a difference between submit and surrender. (Mark 8:34-35)

Remember this:  Always submit yourself to God, but never surrender to the devil!

2. You must get under what is over you, in order to get over what is under you!  (James 4:7)

Remember:  If your “resister” isn’t working….check up on your “submitter”.

3. There are certain things you should submit to and there are certain things you should resist. (John 10:10)

4. Just because it happened, does not automatically mean it is the will of God.  Just because it is the will of God, doesn’t automatically mean it will happen!

5. If you believe everything that happens is the will of a sovereign God, it will put you in a state of non-resistance to the devil.  (James 3:13-17)  

6. You can’t leave up to God what He left to you. (Mark 16:15-20)

Remember this:  Many people are waiting on God, what if God is waiting on you?  

Last week we began to share “Six Authority Aspects”:

  1. God works through representation. (John 13:20)

Remember this:  When God wants to bless you, He will send someone to you!  If you don’t receive who God sends, you won’t receive what He intends!

Remember this:  If you want to get to the treasure you must look past the dirt!

This week let’s continue with…

2. Once God delegates something to you, He will not do it for you. (Luke 10:16-20)

In verse 19 you see the word “power.”  This is the Greek word “exusia”…it literally means ‘authority.’  When it comes to your enemy, Jesus has delegated authority to you.  Quit asking God to get the devil off your back!  Rise up in your authority and nothing shall by any means harm you!

Next month we’ll continue our series!