10 Nov Badge (discovering that authority is the channel through which God’s power flows): Part 12
One of my favorite Bible verses is found in James 4:7, “Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he shall flee from you.” The Greek word translated “submit” is “hupostasso.” It is a compound Greek word: “hupo” means “under” and “tasso” which means “to arrange.” The Greek word translated “resist” is the word “antihistemi.” The Greek word denotes a “covenant to stand against.” Finally, the Greek word translated “flee” is the word “pheugo” which means to “run away, escape or vanish.”
Put all of these Greek words together and this powerful verse could be translated as this: “Arrange yourself under God. Take a covenant stand against the devil and he will run away, escape and vanish from you!”
Isn’t it time we put this powerful verse into practice and use our God-given authority! Join us this month as we continue our series…