Who Am I? Learning to respond to life from you position not your condition (Part 4)

The Bible tells us, “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus” (Philemon v.6).  Here the Bible tells us by acknowledging who we are and what we have in Christ, our faith develops.  The term “in Christ” is an often used but little understood term.  “In Christ” is referring to who you are and what you have because of what Jesus has done for you!

As the Father God looks at you, He sees you through the eyes of what His Son has done for you!  Once again, it is an identity issue.

Over the last number of weeks we have discovered why your identity is so important:

  1. You behave according to your self-image (Mark 12:31)
  2. You marry according to your self-image
  3. You succeed or fail according to your self-image (Prov. 23:7)

Then we began to share with you “Three Wonders of Who I am”:

1.      Who am I…you are a spirit (John 3:3-5)

2.      Who I am not…I am not a soul or body (Phil. 3:19)

Then we began discussing “10 Facets of Fickled Feelings”:

1.      Feelings are the first things to go in negative circumstances (Eph. 6:13)

2.      Never depend on your feelings to tell you the truth

3.      Never try to serve God based on your feelings (Rom. 1:9)

4.      Feelings don’t represent the anointing (I John 2:20, 27)

This week let’s continue…

5.      Facts affect Feelings (II Cor. 5:7).

There is a vast difference between facts and truth.  Truth by definition is “the highest form of reality.”  John 17:17 tells us, “Thy word is truth….”  Therefore, God’s Word is the “highest form of reality”.  Facts are neither truth nor lies…just temporary conditions.  Therefore, facts affect our feelings.  That’s why our feelings behave so well on vacation.  Vacation is a temporary condition.  Conversely, feelings misbehave in negative circumstances.  Feelings misbehave during times of waiting.  Feelings misbehave during times of change.

I remember having preached a powerful message on “Joy” in Jamaicaa couple of years back.  As we were going through customs in Jamaica on our way home, an airport worker stopped me and was purposely rude and very unkind for no apparent reason.  Now remember, I had just preached about “choosing joy” and “it’s a choice to rejoice”, but I felt like slapping her upside the head!  Of course, I didn’t and I walked in love and joy…by truth!

Remember this…facts affect feelings, but always let truth affect actions.

6.      It is impossible to enjoy peace, joy or victory if you always live by your feelings.

I was working for a church summer day camp where we took about 50 children in a bus to a local swimming pool, and I was the bus driver.  After a few hours of swimming we rounded up the children and herded them on the bus for departure.  As I opened the door to the bus, I accidentally nicked the car next to me and made a slight scratch in it.  I told my co-worker that I was going to have to go to the front desk and ask them to page the individual whose car I scratched.  Upon looking at the car, she was incredulous.  She noticed this was a small scratch and the car was older and full of scratches.  To which I replied, “Yes, but I made this one, I have to do this out of personal integrity.”  I had the owner paged and he walked out with me, took one look at the small scratch I made and just laughed saying, “Don’t worry about it!”

Remember this, learn to do what’s right for a consistent period of time regardless of how you feel, and you will eventually be successful!

7.      When you keep talking about your feelings, your feelings will only grow stronger.

A number of years back, a young man came to me and shared with me that he was having a tremendous difficulty getting over an old girlfriend.  “I have prayed for God to take away these feelings I have for her, but He hasn’t”, he lamented.  I then asked him if he still had pictures of her.  “Yes”, he replied.  “Do you still have and read her cards and letters?” I asked.  “Yes”, he replied again.  This man would also frequently talk about her and his swelling feelings for her.  Of course he was having trouble getting over her!

Remember this, as long as you keep telling it like it is, you’ll keep having it like it is.  What you continually say will eventually stay.  What gets your attention…gets you!

8.      Your feelings will eventually change, so why not speak and act as if they already had!

Quit waiting for your feelings to subside and then choose joy and peace.  Choose joy and peace, and then your feelings will subside!  Act your way into feeling.  Don’t feel your way into acting!

9.      It’s always a choice to rejoice (Psalm 118:2).

Here the Bible tells us, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”  Joy is the divine ability to celebrate the moment.  You can choose to celebrate anytime you want to.  “Well I can’t help how I feel.”  This is the biggest lie anyone ever told you.  Your words are your choice.  Your words affect your thoughts.  Your thoughts affect your feelings.  Therefore, if you can “control your hole”, you can control your emotions!

10.  Your motions will affect your emotions!

Choose to lift your hands!  Choose to crack a smile!  Choose to laugh at the devil!

Next week we will continue our series on “Who Am I?