Nuggets to Change Your World! (2 Timothy 2:5)

The Bible tells us, “Be ye angry and sin not, let not the sun go down on your wrath” (Eph. 4:26).  This powerful scripture should indicate to us that there is a righteous and unrighteous anger.  Righteous anger is an action directed towards a sin.  Unrighteous anger is a reaction directed towards a person.

You see, compassion defined is simply love for the bound, but hatred for the bondage.  This is why it is imperative to properly channel righteous anger.  You see, what grieves you could be what leads you!  What angers you, could be God’s plan for you!  Have you ever wondered why others were not angry about injustices that infuriated you…this could be a missing piece of the puzzle of your destiny.

Paul experienced this “focused fury”.  The Bible tells us in Acts 17:16-17, “Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.  Therefore, disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews…”.

For example, the thing that bothers, grieves and angers me the most is wasted potential!  This is one reason God has called me to a ministry that trains leaders and helps them bring out their potential!  You see, what grieves you could lead you!

You cannot really change something until you have a God-given hatred for sin, sickness, prejudice, divorce or laziness (etc, etc), and a God-given love for the sinners, the sick, the bigot, the divorces and the lazy!

Remember these three things:

1.      You can’t correct what you are unwilling to confront.

2.      What you permit will always continue.

3.      Behavior permitted is behavior perpetuated.

righteously angry man is a focused man who can change the hearts and minds of others!