07 Aug Nuggets to Change Your World! (2 Timothy 2:5)
The Bible tells us, “And hath put on the new man, which is renewed (the Greek word anakainoo, “ana” means again, “kainoo” denotes new, fresh or different. Put these two Greek words together and they mean “again to make fresh, new or different”) in knowledge (the Greek word “epignosis” which implies an intimate knowledge) after the image of Him that created him” (Col. 3:10). Please allow me to paraphrase a portion of the aforementioned verse, “…put on the new man which is made fresh, new and different by the intimate knowledge of what Jesus is really like.” In this time in which we live, there is much talk about “renewal”. Here the Bible gives us insight as to what can help cause that “renewal” in our lives. Remember this…fresh discoveries of God’s love and affection are the key to renewal in our lives!
You see, a fascinating God created deep within our spirits a desire to be fascinated by God! The entertainment industry has capitalized on this with a cheap substitute that excites our flesh, but leaves the longing of the spirit empty. God created us to be solely fascinated by Him! As long as we continue to endeavor to get our fascination from sources other than God, we will always be bored and passsionless Christians in search of fascination, gratification, and satisfaction from sources which cannot supply us with said!
Remember this…to truly develop a passion for God, you must understand His passion for you! If you want to develop a hunger for God, you must understand His hunger for you (Matt. 5:6)!