19 Jul From Here (How to turn your Setback into a Comeback) part 32
Today we continue with our key verse for this series, I Thessalonians 5:16, “Rejoice evermore.” In this short but powerful verse, we discussed the Greek word translated “evermore” literally means “from this point on”. In everyday language it means “from here”.
Over the past few months we have been sharing “13 Facets to Live a Constructive Life”:
- Part from Pity (Phil. 2:14).
- Never let your tragedy become your identity (Mark 5:26).
- You can’t unscramble eggs (Eph. 5:16).
- What we know is always more important than how we feel (Eph. 6:13-14).
- Never let go of what you do know because of what you don’t know (Matt. 11:5-6).
- Never compound bad decisions with more bad decisions (Rom. 6:19).
- Life is not about “What ifs” but “What now?” (II Sam. 12:18-24).
- Learn to Fail Forward (Phil. 3:13-14).
- Get back into motion (Ps. 126:6).
- Clean up, cheer up and choose up (II Sam. 12:20).
- Understand life is seasonal (Eccl. 3:1)
- Don’t isolate yourself (Prov. 18:1).
Today we continue our series with…
- Recognize you have a gift…it’s called “today” (Ps. 118:24).
Please allow me to share with you “3 Today Matters”:
- Life is connected. The choices you make today directly affect your tomorrow.
- The number one reason people fail is they don’t connect today’s decisions with tomorrow’s destiny.
- Learn to channel the destruction into the construction.
Michael Jordan, arguably the best basketball player this world has ever known, did not make his high school basketball team. He came home from school crying after being cut. His mom abruptly told him, “Michael, stop that crying and use that energy to get better!” I would say, six NBA championships later that that was pretty good advice, mom!