The first of each month we share - First Tuesday's Teaching Tips These are teaching nuggets from over thirty years in ministry. This month let's take a page from the Wisodm 365 book (Because the decisions you make today will directly affect your tomorrow) From November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd...

Can I give you the latest CDC statistic?  100% of people that don’t know Jesus are infected with sin!  You and I have the antidote and its efficacy is also 100%! How can we accomplish this goal?  Please allow me to give you “Four Vaccine Verifications”: Let's review...

Please don’t panic!  This teaching has nothing to do with getting vaccinated or not getting vaccinated!  This entire teaching came as I dug into the Greek language for I Peter 1:1 and I Peter 2:11. Here the Scriptures tell us, “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” … “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” In I Peter 1:11 the Greek word translated “stranger” and in I Peter 2:11 the Greek word translated “pilgrim” are both the same Greek word...

The first of each month we share - First Tuesday's Teaching Tips These are teaching nuggets from over thirty years in ministry. This month let's take a page from the Wisodm 365 book (Because the decisions you make today will directly affect your tomorrow) October 5th...

  Over the last few months we began our teaching series with the following “Three Plan Principles”: Acknowledge that God has a plan for your life (Jer. 29:11).      “Three Acknowledge Axioms”: ) God has a wonderful plan for your life…not a wonderful life for YOUR plan! ) Destiny is not to be decided.  Destiny is to be discovered. ) What you were created for is connected to who you were created by. 2. Accept God’s plan for your life (Mark 8:35).       “Eight Accept Axioms”: If we always do what we want to do, we may end up where we don’t want to be! If you get whatever you want now…you...

A few years ago I was in Florida to preach for a dear friend of mine.  When we arrived they took us to a beautiful restaurant down by the ocean.  While we were waiting to be seated, we walked out on a pier overlooking the ocean.  As I often do, I engaged in a conversation with another couple I had never met who were also walking on the pier.  They were a very nice couple but the wife had clearly had too much to drink.   As we continued our conversation it was clear that God had orchestrated this moment.  They had...

The first of each month we share - First Tuesday's Teaching Tips These are teaching nuggets from over thirty years in ministry. As we jump into the FALL, let's share about: INSPIRATION ~ Successful people overcome the temptation to give up ~ Tough people last. Tough times don't. ~ Many times the greatest pressure to quit comes right before manifested victory ~ Don't let failure be an excuse to not try again ~from Winning with Wisdom Volume 4 (available for purchase in the Joy Store at Joy Church, Mt. Juliet, TN) Come join us at Joy Church on the first Wednesday of each month for our leadership series. ...