10 Nov Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way (Because Tenacity is a Necessity to Fulfill your Destiny) Part 26
For several weeks we have been sharing “10 Truths Towards Tenacity”- rooted in II Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind.” : Tenacious people don’t’ waste time feeling sorry for themselves (Rom. 8:31). Tenacious people don’t hand the reigns of their emotional well-being to another (Phil. 4:4) Tenacious people embrace change (Ps. 55:19) Tenacious people don’t waste energy on things they can’t control (Phil. 2:14). Tenacious people are not people pleasers (Prov. 29:25). Tenacious people are courageous (Joshua 1:6-9). Tenacious people let go of the past (Phil. 3:13-14) Tenacious people never resent other’s success...