Last week we began discussing four considerations that will cause you to cancel or keep your "prayer order": 1. What you continually mind, you eventually find (James 1:5-8) This week, let's continue: 2. What continually comes out of your mouth will eventually go south (Mark 11:23). Here the Bible tells us, “Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith.” To many, this verse is very familiar and because it has become so...

What if Anne and I invited you to dinner at an expensive restaurant.  The kind waiter comes and does a thorough job of taking our order.  A short time later, as our waiter walks by, I abruptly cancel my order!  Unfortunately, we do this all the time when it comes to prayer.  We plan our “order” with God and then abruptly cancel it!             Please allow me to share with you four considerations that will cause you to cancel or keep your “prayer order”: What you continually mind, you eventually find (James 1:5-8). Here the Bible tells us, “If any of you lack...

Over the last several weeks we began our series with “Six Wonders of Worship”: God is seeking worshippers (John 4:23). Worship requires respect (Ps. 112:1, Gen. 17-18, Rev. 1:10-17). Worship is not wimpy (Acts 13:22)! Worship establishes relationship (Ps. 18:1). Worship God by faith (Heb. 13:15, Joshua 6). This week, let's continue...

When you think of “eternal life” what comes immediately to mind?  Streets of gold, the throne of God, the gates of pearl?  The Bible tells us clearly what eternal life is all about, “This is life eternal to know God and His one true Son, Jesus Christ” (John 17:3).  The Greek word “know” in this verse does not mean know about…it implies an intimate knowing.  If you want to enjoy eternal life right now…spend some time being intimate with Him!  One of the greatest ways to do that is through thanksgiving, praise and worship! Over the last couple of weeks we began...

As you know, we have been in a series discussing prayer.  Most of the time when we think of prayer, worship does not readily come to mind.  However, thanksgiving, praise and worship are every bit as much biblical prayer as making requests! When I was a teenager I would “request” of my father to give me the car keys.  When he did, I would give him “thanks”.  From time to time I might give my dad “praise”… “Dad, you’re great” I would say.  Occasionally, I would simply tell him, “Dad, I love you”…worship!  This is a simple but profound way of...

Over the last number of weeks, we have been discussing "Six Aspects of Agreement": Aspect #1:  Agreement in marriage (I Pet. 3:7). Aspect #2:  Agreement in church (I Cor. 1:10). Aspect #3:  Agreement multiplies your power (Deut. 32:30). Aspect #4:  Agreement produces great reward (Eccl. 4:9-12).   This week, let's continue...

Have you ever had a “holy heated discussion” with your spouse over which fast food restaurant you were going to go to?!  McDonald’s if you wanted to be “McHappy”.  Burger King if you wanted it your way.  Subway if you wanted to see Jared and “eat fresh”.  The choices are almost infinite.  Unfortunately in marriage, friendship and even (or should I say especially) in the church, there is so much disagreement.  Yet the Bible tells us in Matthew 18:18-20: “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on...