Over the last few weeks we began this new series and Through this teaching session, my goal is to teach all of us to change proactively instead of reactively!  The Bible tells us in Psalm 55:19, “Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.”  Now please don’t be taken aback by the word “fear.”   In the Hebrew language it’s not talking about “fright” but reverence or respect for God.  In other words, the reason we don’t change is we don’t truly respect God enough.   Let's start by reviewing our “10 Channels of Change”:  1. Most people change just enough...

  One of my favorite scriptures can be found in Genesis 39:9, “There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back anything from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” This verse is found in context of Potiphar’s wife trying to seduce Joseph.  I love Joseph’s response.  Notice he did not say, “How can I commit this great wickedness against Potiphar.”  Joseph did not want to offend God.  Joseph was different.  He was responding to the goodness of God, not consequence or necessity.  Most...

About 30 years ago I almost died! God dealt with me in many areas.  First, He wanted me to eat much better and take vitamins.  At that time, I was on a steady diet of Reese’s cups and Mountain Dew.  Not good!  He also dealt with me on taking a Sabbath day of rest.  Not legally, as in the Old Covenant, but regularly in principle because we are in the New Covenant.  Lastly, God clearly dealt with me about taking regular vacations.   For 30 years I have adhered to all of these in a very disciplined way (I must admit the easiest...

    This week we take a quick break from our series to encourage you with Thanksgiving!  Did you know that you can receive an encouraging message directly sent to your phone each morning? When you download the Joy Church APP you will receive daily wisdom notifications like these...

  Last week we began this new series and Through this teaching session, my goal is to teach all of us to change proactively instead of reactively!  The Bible tells us in Psalm 55:19, “Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.”  Now please don’t be taken aback by the word “fear.”   In the Hebrew language it’s not talking about “fright” but reverence or respect for God.  In other words, the reason we don’t change is we don’t truly respect God enough.   Please allow me to share with you “10 Channels of Change”:  1. Most people change just enough to...

  About 30 years ago I almost died!  Most of you know the story.  I had very severe cardiovascular challenges.  I could barely walk and I could barely talk.  I experienced shooting pains down my left arm and tachycardia on a frequent basis!  Something HAD to change! Now I believe in divine healing.  However, things were not getting better…they were getting worse!  At that time the Lord began to deal with me very clearly about issues I needed to change in my life.  He could give me divine healing all day long, but if I had spiritual “holes in my pocket” the...

  Have you ever been searching for your glasses and could not find them anywhere?  After an extensive search, out of desperation you finally ask your spouse, “Have you seen my glasses?!”  To which she glibly responds, “They’re on your head!”  All this time you were looking for something you couldn’t see but yet was in very close proximity! Let's review! Over the past few weeks I have shared with you “Four Destiny Discoveries”:       1. Get a job (Gen. 2:15,20) In other words, Adam was being faithful right where he was.  His assignment was to tend and keep (the Hebrew word here...

  The Bible tells us, “And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.  And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou may freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.  And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.  And out of...

    The first of each month we share - First Tuesday's Teaching Tips Did you know that you can receive an encouraging message directly sent to your phone each morning? When you download the Joy Church APP you will receive daily wisdom notifications like these...