Don’t participate in the recession!  The Bible calls you an ambassador for Christ (see II Cor. 5:20).  An ambassador’s supply always comes from the country that sends him not the country he is in!  The Bible also tells us you are in this world but not of this world (see John 17:16).  Therefore your supply is not tied to this economy but the economy of heaven!  Heaven does not need bailing out! The Bible also tells us, “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who...

  I refuse to have an economic “crisis”!  Now that I have your attention, please allow me to explain.  I am not a Christian ostrich with my head buried in the sands of denial, but I have determined as for me and my house, we are not participating in the economic crisis!   Despite the media’s constant drumbeat of economic doom and gloom, my source is not Wall Street but “Gold Street”.  In other words, as an ambassador of God (see Philippians 3:20) an ambassador is never supplied by the country he is in, but the country he is from!  The Bible tells...

The Bible tells us, “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” (Deut. 32:30).  Do you know your present exists with your permission?  Therefore, we should never complain about what we permit!  You’ve probably heard me say, “The attitude you presently have is the one you’ve presently chosen!”  Well in the same vein, the circumstances you presently have are the ones you’ve presently permitted! Remember this…our tolerance breathes life into our circumstance!  Someone once said,...

I’m going to ask you a few questions, but before I do, the key to answering these questions is absolute honesty.  Remember this…accurately discerning today’s condition allows you to make tomorrow’s progress.  Honesty locates us…dishonesty stagnates us! What means most to you? What do you live for? What excites you? What occupies most of your thoughts? God has not called us to “casual Christianity” which says, “If I get around to it, I’ll come to God.”  God has not called us to “crisis Christianity” which says, “If I get in trouble, I’ll come to God.”  Where is our desire, longing, focus, interest, passion and love? ...

My four greatest “titles” in life are as follows: Child of God Husband of Anne Father of John Pastor of many Did you notice that “Pastor” didn’t even make the top three?!  In January of 2013, I entered into my 29th year of ministry and over those years I have seen and made a lot of mistakes.  However, I am more determined than ever to not become another ministerial casualty.  In the long run, Joy Church will never rise above my relationship with my Lord, my spouse and my child! I frequently project myself into a successful future.  At present, we have over 1,000 people who...

A while back, I watched a famous politician publicly admit to having an affair.  While his wife was walking through breast cancer, he was walking to a hotel to commit adultery!  When questioned by a reporter as to why he did this, he replied that he felt “above the law”.  In the social climate he was in and with the power he wielded, he felt like he could do anything and get away with it.  The problem with that thought process is three-fold: Pride goes before a fall (see Prov. 18:12) The hidden things eventually come to light (see I Cor. 4:5) Your sin...