Names are extremely important!  For example, I recall a young single mother who had identical twins.  Because she was young, single and impoverished she reluctantly gave her identical twins up for adoption.  One of the twins was adopted by a lovely couple in Spain and was named “Juan”.  The other twin was adopted by a kind couple in Egypt who named him “Ahmal.”  About twenty years later, Juan found his birth mother’s address and sent her a touching note.  Juan also included a picture of himself.  The birth mother, now happily married, was so excited to finally see one of...

The Bible tells us, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people (the Greek word translated “peculiar” is peripoiesis, which comes from two Greek words meaning “to be made around”) that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (I Pet. 2:9). Let’s focus on the phrase “peculiar people”.  Again, in the Greek “peculiar” means to be made around.  Precious Alumni, one powerful principle we can glean here is…in your difference lies your destiny!  Now, please don’t misunderstand me, I am not talking...

The Bible tells us, “Be ye angry and sin not, let not the sun go down on your wrath” (Eph. 4:26).  This powerful scripture should indicate to us that there is a righteous and unrighteous anger.  Righteous anger is an action directed towards a sin.  Unrighteous anger is a reaction directed towards a person. You see, compassion defined is simply love for the bound, but hatred for the bondage.  This is why it is imperative to properly channel righteous anger.  You see, what grieves you could be what leads you!  What angers you, could be God’s plan for you!  Have you...

Have you ever seen one of those celebrity makeover shows?  You know, the one where they randomly pick people off the street and then make them over to look just like a celebrity.  Here at Joy Church we did a little parody of said program and randomly asked various people in the congregation what celebrity they think they most resemble.   With some of the answers, one could readily see…others were outrageous as they looked nothing like that celebrity they thought they resembled!  It was really quite humorous!  You see, so much of life revolves around the identity issue! Over the last...

The Bible tells us, “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus” (Philemon v.6).  Here the Bible tells us by acknowledging who we are and what we have in Christ, our faith develops.  The term “in Christ” is an often used but little understood term.  “In Christ” is referring to who you are and what you have because of what Jesus has done for you! As the Father God looks at you, He sees you through the eyes of what His Son has done for...

Have you ever heard the expression, “Get real!”  How about this one, “Keep it real!”  With all the hypocrisy in the media, political arena and the sports venue, people are truly looking for authenticity…which I truly believe is vital. While I am all for biblical authenticity, sincerity and genuineness (see Eph. 6:24), I am not in favor of being true to my feelings!  If you are going to truly “keep it real”, you must first discover who you really are…you are a spirit!  Because I am so full of joy I have been accused before of not “keepin’ it real”.  However,...

  Have you ever noticed how identity conscious people are?  When Hollywood has its red carpet galas, interviewers will frequently ask, “Who are you wearing?”  People identify with celebrities and some even think they look like celebrities.  We presently have a deluge of “reality” shows because people identify with other real people on television.  This all boils down to one issue…the identity issue. Last week I began our teaching and we shared with you why your identity is so important: You behave according to your self-image (Mark 12:31) You marry according to your self-image You succeed or fail according to your self-image (Prov. 23:7) Then we began...

  It has always been an identity issue!  From the very beginning in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil…it was an identity issue!  “If you eat of this tree, you shall be like God” (see Genesis 3).  When Daniel was taken into Babylonian captivity, the first thing they tried to do was change his diet and then change his name (see Daniel 1).  This is a type and shadow that if the devil can get you off the diet of God’s Word, then he can change your identity.  When the religious crowd approached John...

The Bible tells us, “So now arise, go out and speak kindly and encouragingly to your servants; for I swear by the Lord, if you do not go, not a man will remain with you this night; and this will be worse for you than all the evil that has befallen you from your youth until now” (II Sam. 19:7 Amp). Do you know there are two ways to lead…love and loyalty, or fear and intimidation.  As we discovered in the aforementioned verse, if you don’t speak kindly and in an encouraging fashion to people, they will eventually leave you!  Leaders,...

The Bible tells us, “And hath put on the new man, which is renewed (the Greek word anakainoo, “ana” means again, “kainoo” denotes new, fresh or different.  Put these two Greek words together and they mean “again to make fresh, new or different”) in knowledge (the Greek word “epignosis” which implies an intimate knowledge) after the image of Him that created him” (Col. 3:10).  Please allow me to paraphrase a portion of the aforementioned verse, “...