My four greatest “titles” in life are as follows: Child of God Husband of Anne Father of John Pastor of many Did you notice that “Pastor” didn’t even make the top three?!  In January of 2013, I entered into my 29th year of ministry and over those years I have seen and made a lot of mistakes.  However, I am more determined than ever to not become another ministerial casualty.  In the long run, Joy Church will never rise above my relationship with my Lord, my spouse and my child! I frequently project myself into a successful future.  At present, we have over 1,000 people who...

A while back, I watched a famous politician publicly admit to having an affair.  While his wife was walking through breast cancer, he was walking to a hotel to commit adultery!  When questioned by a reporter as to why he did this, he replied that he felt “above the law”.  In the social climate he was in and with the power he wielded, he felt like he could do anything and get away with it.  The problem with that thought process is three-fold: Pride goes before a fall (see Prov. 18:12) The hidden things eventually come to light (see I Cor. 4:5) Your sin...

Many years ago, Anne and I went to preach for a pastor friend of mine in another state.  Almost as soon as we arrived in our friend’s house, my pastor friend and his wife got into a shouting match!  Here I am the guest speaker and my friend and his wife can’t even control themselves when I’m around!   Can you imagine what was happening when no one else was around! In casual conversation, I asked my friend what he had been preaching lately (a common conversation piece between ministers), and he mentioned some subject matter that was very much “cotton candy”…very...

Anne and I have a great marriage!  We have been married for 22 years and one major key to having a great marriage may shock you!  What I am about to say is quite scandalous…if you are standing up you may want to sit down!  If you are driving, you may want to pull over (you shouldn’t be driving and reading this anyway)! What has kept our marriage so great is that for 22 years Anne and I have been having an affair!  There I said it…it’s good to get that off my chest and out in the open.  Now before you stop...

Would you like to see more of the power of God manifested in your life?!  Please allow me to share some quick but profound little formulas that will help you do just that: 1.      Information 2.      Meditation 3.      Revelation 4.      Demonstration The Bible tells us, “This Book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.”  Information and meditation…that’s our part!  Revelation and Demonstration…that’s God’s part!  He won’t...