It has always been an identity issue!  From the very beginning in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil…it was an identity issue!  “If you eat of this tree, you shall be like God” (see Genesis 3).  When Daniel was taken into Babylonian captivity, the first thing they tried to do was change his diet and then change his name (see Daniel 1).  This is a type and shadow that if the devil can get you off the diet of God’s Word, then he can change your identity.  When the religious crowd approached John...

The Bible tells us, “So now arise, go out and speak kindly and encouragingly to your servants; for I swear by the Lord, if you do not go, not a man will remain with you this night; and this will be worse for you than all the evil that has befallen you from your youth until now” (II Sam. 19:7 Amp). Do you know there are two ways to lead…love and loyalty, or fear and intimidation.  As we discovered in the aforementioned verse, if you don’t speak kindly and in an encouraging fashion to people, they will eventually leave you!  Leaders,...

The Bible tells us, “And hath put on the new man, which is renewed (the Greek word anakainoo, “ana” means again, “kainoo” denotes new, fresh or different.  Put these two Greek words together and they mean “again to make fresh, new or different”) in knowledge (the Greek word “epignosis” which implies an intimate knowledge) after the image of Him that created him” (Col. 3:10).  Please allow me to paraphrase a portion of the aforementioned verse, “...

Jobs!  The economy!  Our country’s bond credit rating!  The national debt!  The 2012 election!  Gas prices!  Gas prices!  Gas prices!  If you let it, there is a lot to worry about.  However, I say there is a lot to be thankful about!  It all depends on your focus. Psalm 3:3 tells us God is the glory and lifter of our head.  When God lifts your head, He wants to change your perspective.  You see, what gets your attention, gets you!  What you continually mind, you’ll eventually find!  The children of Israel saw Goliath and said, “He’s too big!”  David saw Goliath...

I am a shark fisherman!  I have held this hobby for well over a decade now.  Three times a year I get out my 14-foot pole and shark catching equipment, and sharks all across the Atlantic Ocean begin to run for cover!  As long as I can remember, people have always been worried about me and my hobby.  I will tell you what I will tell them.  Statistically, you have a greater chance of being hurt by your own toilet than being bit by a shark!  Please stop worrying about me…go home and remove your toilet! Over the last number of...

Between Iran, the national debt and rising gas prices, there is plenty to worry about if I let it…I just don’t let it!  More than a few times as I have pumped expensive gas, I will do so while I am quoting Philippians 4:19, “My God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory.”  I have found that complainers are not obtainers!  Excusers are losers!  Moaners are loaners!  Whiners are not winners!  Gripers get the vipers and pitiful is not powerful!  Simply hating your present does not qualify you for a better tomorrow.  No more than...

Please allow me to ask you some vital questions.  As I do, please be completely honest in your assessment as honesty locates us, but dishonesty stagnates us: 1)     Are you truly happy with your life? 2)     Do you truly love your spouse and family? 3)     Do you truly enjoy your job? 4)     Do you truly enjoy your average day? Now, please allow me to give you some simple lists about your life that will help you give much more positive answers to the above questions: “I hate” list                                     ...

The Bible tells us, “So now arise, go out and speak kindly and encouragingly to your servants; for I swear by the Lord, if you do not go, not a man will remain with you this night; and this will be worse for you than all the evil that has befallen you from your youth until now” (II Sam. 19:7 Amp).   Do you know there are two ways to lead…love and loyalty, or fear and intimidation.  As we discovered in the aforementioned verse, if you don’t speak kindly and in an encouraging fashion to people, they will eventually leave you!  Leaders,...

The Bible tells us, “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edify (or build up) another” (Rom. 14:19).   The Greek word for “follow” in the aforementioned verse is “dioko”.  “Dioko” literally means to “pursue to persecute”.  Why would God use such a word in conjunction with building one another up?!  You could paraphrase this word this way:  “...

There are a lot of crazy things occurring in this culture!  The Bible tells us in the last days there will come a culture that calls good, evil…and evil, good (see Isaiah 5:20)! Recently I saw a prime example of this.  To my chagrin, I discovered that a private Catholic college was being sued because a group of Muslims had no place to “worship” at this private Catholic college.  In the lawsuit, they complained that they had no place to go without having to see Christian imagery (such as the cross and pictures of Jesus) in this private Catholic college.  Once...