Over the last couple of months we have given you an outline of “Three Protection Points”: The Prerequisites of Protection (Ps. 91:1-2)The Promises of Protection (Ps. 91:3-16)The Practicalities of Protection (Luke 22:36) Contained within the Prerequisites of Protection we looked at Psalm 91:1-2:  “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God; in Him will I trust.” From these verses we discovered four very simple words: DwellAbideSayTrust This is not something God will do for us!  The Bible tells us...

Everything under the sun has a season to it (see Eccl. 3:1).  However, God and His Word are permanent!  The Bible tells us, “Thy Word O Lord is forever settled in Heaven” (Ps. 119:89).  May I exhort you during this tumultuous time…anything attached to the earth will be shaken, but anyone attached to Heaven will be settled (see Heb. 12:25-28).   This season of Covid-19 will eventually come to an end but God’s Word is eternal, settled and unshaken… just like He wants us to be!  One of the greatest anchors in the Word of God to steady us in a dangerous...

This month we began to share with you an outline of “Three Protection Points”: The Prerequisites of Protection (Ps. 91:1-2)The Promises of Protection (Ps. 91:3-16)The Practicalities of Protection (Luke 22:36) Contained within the Prerequisites of Protection we looked at Psalm 91:1-2:  “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God; in Him will I trust.” From these verses we discovered four very simple words: DwellAbideSayTrust These four simple words are our responsibility.  We must dwell, abide, say and trust as...

Yet right in the middle of dangerous times marked by deadly diseases, the Bible offers us the security of Psalm 91.  This chapter is probably the best collection of Bible verses to protect you and your family in dangers times! Last week we began to share with you an outline of “Three Protection Points”: The Prerequisites of Protection (Ps. 91:1-2)The Promises of Protection (Ps. 91:3-16)The Practicalities of Protection (Luke 22:36) Contained within the Prerequisites of Protection we looked at Psalm 91:1-2:  “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say...

What Earth calls a crisis, God calls an incident.  Please don’t mistake me, I am not minimizing what we are walking through.  In my 58 years of living, I have not seen anything like this.  However, just because it shocked us doesn’t mean it surprised God!   The Bible tells us in II Timothy 3:1, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”  The Greek word translated “dangerous” in this verse is “chelapos.”  This Greek word is used only one other time in the New Testament.  It is a word which means “fierce” or “furious.”  In Matthew 24:7,...

Please allow me to take a little derivation from our normal teaching series.  Based on all that we have been going through, I wanted to minister to your specific needs today! Look at our history over the past 20 years: 2000 – Y2K2001 – Anthrax2002 – West Nile Virus2003 – SARS2005 – Bird flu2006 – E. Coli2008 – Bad Economy2009 – Swine flu2010 – BP Oil spill2012 – Mayan Calendar2013 – North Korea2014 – Ebola Virus2015 – ISIS2016 – Zika Virus2020 - Coronavirus What do all of these “crises” have in common?  They are all in our rear view mirror!  Eventually, coronavirus will...

You are the sum total of the decisions you make. Who you are today is a direct result of your choices yesterday. Therefore, the decisions you are making today directly affect your tomorrow! My NEW book "Wisdom 365" is designed to enhance your decision making, raise your standard of living, and give you wisdom 365 days of the year. Each day you will read a daily dose of wisdom: a scripture and a wisdom principle. For example, here are the one's from today...

I truly believe we are in that time and one of the things that is getting so many off the Word of God is simply following one’s feelings instead of the Bible.  People are identifying not by biology or genetics, but by how they feel!   Please don’t mistake me, God has feelings (see Hebrews 4:15) and gave you feelings, but He never intended for you to live by them!  If you don’t believe that, simply and solely live by your feelings for one solid month. I will gladly then visit you in jail! Let feelings in your car, just...