The first of each month we share First Tuesday's Teaching Tips. These are teaching nuggets from over thirty years in ministry. We are excited this month to announce my new book - PRAY THE WORD - Discovering That Prayer Is Not Just For Comfort But For Results. For too long, the church has taught prayer as some sort of spiritual placebo, almost as if God pats us on our head, saying, "There, there...

Last week we began our new series with the Scripture: “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).   We shared that the Greek word translated “strengthens” is the word endunamao and it literally means “empower”.  Therefore you could translate this powerful verse “I can do all things through Christ which empowers me.”   We shared that most of the time (and understandably so), “Christ’s empowerment” is what is emphasized.  Recently the Lord gave me some revelation that emphasizes a different portion of this powerful verse: “I can”.  Many times we are waiting on “Christ’s empowerment” but He...

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).  This is a very famous verse and most of us are very familiar with it!  The Greek word translated “strengthens” is the word endunamao and it literally means “empower”.  Therefore you could translate this powerful verse “I can do all things through Christ which empowers me.”   Most of the time (and understandably so), “Christ’s empowerment” is what is emphasized.  Recently the Lord gave me some revelation that emphasizes a different portion of this powerful verse: “I can”.  Many times we are waiting on “Christ’s empowerment” but He is...

Over the past few weeks we have been sharing  “Four Characteristics Concerning Continuing in the Word”: Make it the foundation of your life (Matt. 7:24).       2. Make the Bible first place in your life (Matt. 6:33) In Genesis chapter one, there is the beautiful account of creation and there the Bible states “In the beginning God…”.  This of course in context is telling of the aforementioned creation, however I believe it is also espousing a life-changing principle.  Whatever you do, make sure “In the beginning GOD”.   The Bible tells us in Proverbs 3:1-2, “My son, forget not my law; but let...

Happy May! The first of each month we share First Tuesday's Teaching Tips. These are teaching nuggets from over thirty years in ministry. This month we highlight the area of Friendship: Learn to associate with those who are more excited about your future than they are about your past Your vulnerable relationships are your valuable relationships Learn to disagree agreeably Love people and use things, not the other way around ~from Winning with Wisdom volume 2 (available for purchase in the Joy Store at Joy Church, Mt. Juliet, TN) Join us next week as we continue our series Book It...

Over the past few weeks we have been sharing  “Four Characteristics Concerning Continuing in the Word”: Make it the foundation of your life (Matt. 7:24). I began sharing different foundations that will surely not uphold you in this house.   Let’s call them “Four Faulty Foundations”:           1.) Popular culture.             2.) Tradition (Mark 7:7-9)           3.) Reason           4.) Feelings We then began by sharing that because “Four Faulty Foundations” won’t work, obviously our lives need to be found on the firm foundation of the Word of God!   Therefore...

This Wednesday, April 11th, students in 7th-12th grades will get to enjoy service in The Landing! The Landing is the community outreach center at Joy Church. The Landing is filled with fun video arcade games, modern pinball games, a 3-level playground area, and a half-court basketball area.   (Remember to wear your favorite basketball shoes.) This Wednesday, invite your friends to join you at Joy Church and enjoy a joy-filled service in the Landing!...

The first of each month we share First Tuesday's Teaching Tips. These are teaching nuggets from over thirty years in ministry. Last week was Easter weekend. The celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Victory! Here are some reminders of victory in our lives: Logic is for order, but faith is for victory. When you magnify your God you minimize your problems. Let adversity deepen your resolve for victory. ~from Winning with Wisdom volume 2 (available for purchase in the Joy Store at Joy Church, Mt. Juliet, TN) Join us next week as we continue our series Book It...