When we think of heroes, our western mindset immediately goes to Chuck Norris rescuing soldiers missing in action, pictures of Rocky overcoming his Russian nemesis or (if you’re old enough) even John Wayne rounding up the bad guys in a western!   When we think of heroes, we may think of someone rescuing a child from a burning building.  My great grandfather was a preacher and actually ran into a burning building to rescue a family…he gave his life to successfully rescue them! There really is no greater hero than our Lord Jesus Christ.  He successfully rescued us from so much!  The...

Over the last several weeks we have also discussed the vivid difference between celebrities and heroes: Celebrities are visible. Heroes are useable. Celebrities are characters. Heroes have character. Celebrities are popular. Heroes are powerful. Celebrities speak of change. Heroes usher in change. We also took a look at a true Bible hero…Joseph. We then began to “mine” some “Jewels from Joseph”: Jewel #1: The greater the dream, the greater the opposition (Gen. 37:5). Jewel #2: Those who don’t have your dream won’t have your reaction! (Gen. 37:5) Jewel #3: Learn to recognize the hand of God on people (Gen. 39:3-4). Jewel #4: Fight to keep yourself morally pure (Gen....

Several years ago, my wife and I were on vacation and we were walking with my parents.  We were simply minding our own business just walking and talking, and had traversed down the beach farther than we normally do.  Suddenly we heard cries for help off in the distance.  Approximately 75 yards out in the ocean there was what looked to be a young boy who had swam out too far and was drowning.  There were very few people around and certainly no lifeguards, so it was up to me to rescue this person.  Over twenty five years ago I had...

Over the last number of weeks, we have taken a look at a true Bible hero…Joseph.  We then began to “mine” some “Jewels from Joseph”:   Jewel #1…The greater the dream the greater the opposition (Gen. 37:5). Jewel #2…Those who don’t have your dream won’t have your reaction (Gen. 37:5)! Jewel #3…Learn to recognize the hand of God on people (Gen. 39:3-4). Jewel #4…Fight to keep yourself morally pure (Gen. 39:7-9). This week let’s continue: Jewel #5…Learn to be an observer of men (Gen. 40:6-7).   In the aforementioned verses Joseph, rather than begin absorbed in his own problems, noticed both the butler and baker looked sad.  This of course led...

A few weeks ago, we discussed that in everyday language, these verses give us three things to consider: Consider them (the Hebrews 11 heroes of the Old Testament)! Consider Him (our ultimate Hero…Jesus Christ)! Consider yourself (incorporate heroic qualities from their lives into ours)! Over the last couple of weeks, we also looked at the differences between celebrities and heroes: 1.      Celebrities are visible…Heroes are usable. 2.      Celebrities are characters…Heroes have character. 3.      Celebrities are popular…Heroes are powerful. 4.      Celebrities speak of change…Heroes usher in change. We also began to look at a true Bible hero…Joseph.  We then began to “mine” Some “Jewels from Joseph”: Jewel #1…The greater the dream, the greater the opposition...

Prior to September 11th, 2001 when our society thought of heroes…celebrities and sports figures came readily to mind.  Immediately after 9-1-1 our priorities began to change and then when we thought of heroes…policeman, fireman and other “first responders” came to mind.  Unfortunately after the wake up call of 9-1-1, our culture has seemed to have rolled back over and gone to sleep!  Once again, celebrities preoccupy our minds and tend to influence our culture. The Bible tells us, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin...

Over the last couple of weeks we began discussing the difference between a hero and a celebrity: 1.      Celebrities are visible.  Heroes are useable. 2.      Celebrities are characters.  Heroes have character. 3.      Celebrities are popular.  Heroes are powerful. 4.      Celebrities speak of change.  Heroes usher in change. We also began discussing "Jewels from Joseph": Jewel #1: The greater the dream, the greater the opposition (Gen. 37:5). This week, let's continue...

In year 2014, this world needs heroes!  The Bible tells us, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that was set before us.  Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners...

Joy Church announces its first community wide outreach of 2014 to be held on Saturday, March 22 from 9 am to 1 pm on the church grounds. The JOY CARE CLINIC and JOY to GO mobile kitchen will take place simultaneously providing free serves to the community. JOY CARE CLINIC will offer FREE professional health care services provided by health care professionals from the church and will include: • Health care screenings • Primary care treatment • Diagnosis & referrals as appropriate be The JOY to GO mobile kitchen, staffed by members of the church, will also be...